VOLUME ONE  - First Edition

 I was thinking that publishing a new, on-going, writing project today, right now in my life, would be made even more difficult due to not having anyone around these days to bounce my blog ideas off of.  But then, I remembered you: my family, my friends and my collaborators and most certainly my fans (I’d guess four - my grandchildren) and supporters (of which there are well over 150) who have committed their hard-earned dollars to my current, major enterprise called CA Shorts in the form of donations and loans to the project.  Can investors be far behind?

Your good judgment shall be rewarded.

Speaking of matters involving good judgment, earlier today I received the third message (via our friends at Seed&Spark - the crowdfundng platform) from a fellow in France who wants to loan the GMCo LLC project 1,800 Euros. I ignored his first pitch, told him no thanks to his second, and still he returns.  So - I’m going to do my due-diligence and see what I can work out with him.  Is he for real or just working the room?


 Although I’m currently working on 3 screenplays, most of what I do every day is administrating a start-up business that is projected to make a healthy profit upon release of its first feature in the first quarter of 2020 (the aforementioned CA Shorts).  No mistakes can be tolerated.  This is the edge of the sword.  I am such a romantic.


 How long will each blog be - how many words?  Well, what I’ve written above is about 250 words.  I intend to always shoot for between 350 to 500 words. A page.

 So I’ve got more to write. Here’s more about me and the film projects I create.

 As I’ve said in my brand-new GMCo LLC website setup over at Square Space:

 “As a teller of narratives set in a broad range of genres, I think of myself as being part of a very old and very true tradition.  That’s how I would like to be remembered – as the creator of films about reinvention, each full of wonderful characters, provocative endings, and non-tragic themes.”

As a secret admirer once reported so accurately about me:

“There is little doubt that no writer could be more at home in the dramatic and humorous worlds created in his screenplays and films than, Giacinto Leonado Maselli, himself.  Of Italian descent, Mr. Maselli traces his family’s arrival in California to the latter part of the great Gold Rush years.  As a boy growing up in the small foothill community of Porterville, California, he absorbed all he could about his family’s enterprising and multi-generational heritage  (the ranching and processing of olives, olive oil and Italian food products), including the loving, non-stop, old world humor and philosophizing that was always mixed into the exciting and passionate family life around him.”

My first GMCo LLC blog has reached 469 works.  I have succeeded.  Thank you for inspiring me.

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